The Henson Journals

Mon 5 July 1920

Volume 28, Page 32


Monday, July 5th, 1920.

A woefully wet day. I went to Lambeth, and spent the day in the Conference. It was distinctly dull, &, I should think, not very serviceable. In the morning we discussed the League of Nations: and in the afternoon, spiritualism, Christian science, & theosophy. The speeches were, for the most part, very disappointing. I had tea in the Athenaeum, where I found Headlam, who is evidently pleased with the reception of his Bampton Lectures. Burge dined at 16 Elvaston Place, & was very entertaining. [Cecil, Pearce, & I are agreed in thinking that he must go to Lambeth when Davidson retires.] He is evidently very happy at Cuddesdon, where the relief from evening functions has given him a new lease of life.