The Henson Journals

Sun 25 April 1920

Volume 27, Page 152


3rd Sunday after Easter, April 25th, 1920.

Seeing then that sacrifice is now no part of the church ministry…..the word Presbyter doth seem more fit, and in propriety of speech more agreeable than Priest with the drift of the whole Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Hooker, E.P. Bk. V c. lxxviii, s.2, 3.

Christ's word for the clergy is, if any, "pastors" ("Feed my sheep"), and the Apostles call them "presbyters" or "bishops" (overseers). Never in the New Testament are they called "priests". Yet in the modern church the priestly name and claim have crowded out all others. Vast inferences have been drawn from the sacerdotal character thus boldly assumed: and in their preparation for Ordination men are urged to be and act as, in the full pagan sense, "priests".

I walked to Holy Trinity, where the Vicar is ill, & celebrated at 8 a.m. There were 40 communicants of whom at least half were young men. No doubt they bestirred themselves to come because the Bishop was the celebrant, but even so, the spectacle was refreshing.

At Evensong I preached in Holy Trinity from I Peter, ii. 11,12. There was a large congregation, but the church was not crowded. I read the service: Captain Christmas read the lessons. After service I saw the Vicar for a few minutes. Mary Radford accompanied me. My sermon was preached from rather copious notes, which I had prepared earlier in the day. I spoke for rather more than half an hour, & the congregation was very attentive.