The Henson Journals

Tue 24 February 1920

Volume 27, Page 63


Tuesday, February 24th, 1920.


The weather is again milder. On the whole the frost is to be regretted, for everything needs checking in the interest of the future. I went to the bank and invested Fearne's legacy (£ 100) in War Loan, i.e. I charged the Bank manager to effect the investment. I worked at the Lectures all morning, & sawed wood with William in the afternoon.

Ralph asks me to preach in S. Paul's on Sunday evening July 11th. I consented of course. It cannot be said that I hide my candle under a bushhell, when on two succeeding Sundays I preach in London during the Lambeth Conference: & at S. Paul's and the Abbey!

I had a brief note from the Vicar of Hatfield saying that he would come here on Thursday at 4 p.m. That interview will be extremely difficult.

Mrs Streeter arrived in order to speak at a meeting of the Y.W.C.A. So Ella & Fearne accompanied her to the Institute while I stayed at home & wrote to Ralph, Gilbert, & Baker–Wilbraham.

The latter sent me a pamphlet, full of pious platitudes of the neo–evangelical type, and setting forth a project for propagating these throughout the country. I gently blessed the platitudes, and brutally stamped on the project! How pathetic is this inextinguishable belief in 'societies' ! I suppose the pious fussing which goes to framing & starting them is as a pillar–bed for the uneasy conscience to repose on!