The Henson Journals

Tue 10 February 1920

Volume 27, Page 38


Tuesday, February 10th, 1920.

A warm wet day, bad for body and mind. I breakfasted with Ernest in the Club, & then walked to Westminster, where I received the H.C. in Henry VII's Chapel. The attendance of bishops & clergy was not great, indeed considering that it was the last occasion on which the Welsh representatives would attend as members of the Canterbury Convocation, it was disappointingly small. Nor was it satisfactory that out of the 70 clergy no more than half a dozen communicated. The rule of fasting communion has cancelled the sense of fellowship. After service I went into the City, & changed a cheque. Then I returned to Westminster, lunched at the Church House with the Bishops, and attended the Convocation. The Bishops went in procession to the Lower House, & there the Archbishop discoursed to us both on the severance of the Welsh dioceses, & the Enabling Act. The Archbishop of York in mufti sate beside the Primate. Then we returned to the Upper House, and spent the afternoon exchanging compliments with the Welsh bishops. I dined at the St Pancras Hotel with the Seven. Masterman was host. Swallow, Russell, Bp. Stevens, White, Pelham, & the Vicar of Chigwell were there. It was the 21st meeting of the Club, which I founded with Marsden in 1899. We have all grown older, & the world is greyer now. Some have passed away.