The Henson Journals

Sat 31 January 1920

Volume 27, Page 22


Saturday, January 31st, 1920.


I went to the Athenaeum, & read the paper: looked in at the bookseller: walked to Westminster & called first on Charles, & then on the Dean: lunched at the Club: picked up my bags in Warwick Square: drove to Paddington, & returned to Hereford by the 3 p.m. train.

The Dean of Westminster has been entertaining the Bishop of Durham, and probably using the opportunity thus incidentally provided in order to counsel him to get out of the 'scrape' into which Welldon has led him in the matter of Jowett's proposed sermon in Durham Cathedral. It appears that Moule is going to withdraw his promise to attend on the occasion, & give the Blessing. Now surely this is greatly to increase the magnitude of the blunder. For, first, he executes a retreat before the pressure of news–paper agitation: and, next, he adds the prestige of success to the E.C.U: finally, he changes what was designed as an evidence of religious fellowship with the Dissenters into an ugly demonstration of religious estrangement. It will not diminish the sum–total of mischief that he will have enabled the Archdeacon of Durham to triumph over the Dean. It would appear to be the case that the feebleness of the Diocesan has transformed the indiscretion of his Dean into a serious set–back to the cause which both of them must be supposed to advocate. Welldon "spoils the pitch" for everybody else! I wrote to George: & paid my Supertax.