The Henson Journals

Tue 23 December 1919

Volume 26, Page 82


Tuesday, December 23rd, 1919.

I devoted the day to writing a New Year's Letter to the diocese. It took a gloomier tone in the process of composition than I had intended.

Nelson of Leominster sent me a rudely expressed letter. The man is so stuffed full of self–conceit that he is incapable of profiting by his own failures. His facility of writing is an additional snare, for he depicts himself in the colours of an oppressed saint; and is seduced into crediting his own description! Pecksniff is a very common type.

Before Mrs Scott took her departure, I had some talk with her about her son. She expressed herself very properly. I sent the Harley Charity (£10) to the two clerical widows, Mrs Ireland and Mrs Cook.

Fedarb sends me as a Christmas gift Westlake's little book on 'Westminster' in 'The Story of the English Towns'. It is creditable in Westlake that he shd have stuck to antiquarian work until he has become quite an established authority on everything in Westminster, and he is wise also for popular interest in antiquarian studies is likely to survive the religious interest which interests Westminster.