The Henson Journals

Sun 7 December 1919

Volume 26, Pages 61 to 62


2nd Sunday in Advent, December 7th, 1919.

Creeds are symbols of the faith, not iron boxes in which to keep a "deposit" of the faith. They serve as guide–posts along the way rather than as gates closing in our particular possession. The successive confessions of the churches are not merely scriptures of private denominational interpretation, but witnesses from different ages & in many tongues of the riches of the glory of Christ's inheritance in the saints.

Newman Smyth

There is truth in this, but not the whole truth: for the 'confessions of the churches' are sometimes mutually conflicting, and embody error as well as contribute truth

I went to the cathedral, and celebrated the Holy Communion at 8 a.m. After breakfast I went out to Breinton, and preached at Mattins. There was a fair congregation among whom was Bulmer, whose brother was buried yesterday. My text was Romans XV.4. The parson, May, is said to be very poor. Captn Hamilton spoke to me on the subject after service. I suggested that he shd raise something in the parish towards the endowment.

[62] [symbol]

After lunch I motored to Ross, and confirmed 46 candidates in the parish church. After service I had tea in the Rectory. As William and I were walking from the car to the church, I said to him: "I should like to confirm you some day, William"; and to my surprise, he answered: "Yes, my lord, I should like it too". So, I must try to arrange for his due preparation. But there is always a large element of insecurity about religious decisions towards which mundane considerations are pointing; and though it is certainly the case that I should never be influenced in the smallest degree by the denominational choice of any servant of mine, yet it is by no means so certain that the said servant would believe that to be the case. Yet, I am really concerned about William's religious situation, for I constantly require his service on Sunday. More often than not he is hindered from attending at any Christian worship on Sunday. He has been withdrawn from the Baptist chapel in which his father was a worshipper, & he is not attached to the Church, with which, as my chauffeur, he is necessarily brought into contact. Besides, I am attached to the lad, & would rejoice to have him confirmed & communicant.