The Henson Journals

Wed 19 November 1919

Volume 26, Page 37


Wednesday, November 19th, 1919.

The suspicious time with the religion of the Catholic Church is the early time … The local traditions of Xity are clear enough during the last 1300 or 1400 years. It is during the first two or three centuries that the chain fails

Macaulay. I. 565

I wrote to Henson asking for a frank & full report on C.S. When I have this I shall be better placed for deciding what to do in his case. After lunch I motored to Ross, & called on Money Kyrle to whom I offered the prebendal stall vacated by Treherne's death. On my return to the Palace, Wright and Christmas called on me with reference to the distribution of £3000 voted to Hereford by the Central Fund. Then Wynne–Willson did the letters. I wrote to Fielden asking him to become Chairman of the Finance Board, but with little hope of his doing so. The "Times" prints my letter. It reads well enough, but public interest in ecclesiastical matters is absolutely dead. Somebody sent me a copy of the "Manchester Guardian" which contains a report of Peter Green's speech.