The Henson Journals

Wed 24 September 1919

Volume 25, Page 182


Wednesday, September 24th, 1919.

By a stupid over–sight, I omitted this day's record, which is entered here out of its order. There is, however, little to record. I worked at the Anson memoir; and had an interview with the Rev. G. H. Powell, Rector of Dorstone, whom I begged to continue in office as Rural Dean. He has been absent for 4 years on duty as Chaplain, and wrote to me rather rudely from Egypt about his demobilisation which he supposed mistakenly that my indifference had delayed. He is rather rough in his manners, but is said to be an energetic clergyman. The Deanery of Abbeydore, over which he presides, is full of large parishes with small populations & very scanty endowments. After lunch Ernest accompanied me to Almeley, were I talked for an hour with the dreariest crew of jaw–bacons I ever fortuned to meet. The vicar, Evill, was as conversational as his parishioners. However, the service of Harvest Thanksgiving was well–rendered, & attended by a numerous congregation. The parish church is an unusually fine building, and very well looked after by the Churchwarden, Mr Collett–Mason. I was shocked at the neglected aspect of the Vicarage garden – a wilderness of weeds. We motored back to the Palace after service & got back about 9.15 p.m.