The Henson Journals

Sat 13 September 1919

Volume 25, Page 166


Saturday, September 13th, 1919.


I received a letter from George, written from Shanghai. He is evidently startled by the vice of these Eastern ports, but he is sterling metal, & will stand true to himself. The weather being wet, we gave up all thought of our projected expedition to Llanthony Abbey: I spent the morning in writing a letter to the "Times" in support of the Bishop of Norwich's scheme for exchanging pulpits. In this letter I make the announcement that I shall be prepared to sanction such exchanging in my diocese. Dr Gold came to lunch; after his departure I walked with Sir John Struthers until tea–time. Three young ladies – Ruth Spooner, Rosemary Spooner, & Helen Barlow – in the course of a walking tour came to visit us.

I received from the Dean a letter conveying his resignation, which I accepted with many kind words and wishes. He has made himself popular in Hereford, for, though a man of small ability and little learning, he is active, public spirited, & kindly. Besides, he has the advantage of being a nobleman's son, & his private income, though probably not large as men now count largeness, has been sufficient to make possible a considerable amount of hospitality. He has long been past his work. Some neighbours came in after dinner.