The Henson Journals

Tue 9 September 1919

Volume 25, Page 160


Tuesday, September 9th, 1919.

I motored to Staunton–on–Wye, & presided over a conference of managers and trustees of the Jarvis School. Dr Maples, the director of education, attended, & expounded his scheme for re–casting the foundation. Mr Nield, the Quaker from Leominster, set forward his alternative proposal, which was rejected, and a general approval given to the other. Dr Maples and I lunched at Garnons, and then returned to Hereford. All the afternoon, which was warm & thunderous, I spent in reading the "Times", & then in writing letters. A whole bevy of visitors arrived – Penelope, Ethel Gore–Booth, Elizabeth Smith, and Clarence Stock. In no respect do I feel the pinch of poverty more keenly than in the shadow it casts on hospitality. There is something abominable in being compelled to reflect on the effect it has in swelling household accounts. Yet nothing else is unavoidable in the circumstances which now obtain.

The night was most beautiful.

The moon doth with delight

Look round her when the heavens are bare.

Waters in a starry night

Are beautiful and fair.

Elizabeth & I sentimentalized in the garden!