The Henson Journals

Wed 27 August 1919

Volume 25, Page 144


Wednesday, August 27th, 1919.

I called on the Dean, and talked with him for an hour about the future relations of the Cathedral and the University. Then I walked to the School, and had some talk with Budworth, to whom I promised £20 to the new Chapel Fund. I returned by way of the city, and was much delayed by the friendly greetings of old friends. It was rather touching to hear everybody express their regret at my departure, and their hope of my return. Bayley came in after lunch and had some talk. Then I attended Evensong in the Cathedral, &, when the service was over, had half–an–hour's conversation with Hughes. Mrs Cruickshank most kindly shewed William over the Cathedral: and then C. and I walked together for an hour. The weather was blustering, & threatened rain, but no rain actually fell, and there were bursts of sunshine which showed up the fair country very beautifully. After dinner a considerable number of old acquaintances came in to meet us. I was again surprised and gratified by the warmth of their expressions of regard. Mrs Ellershaw spoke out with much good sense of the present extravagances of feminism. Miss Storey, a very beautiful young lady, was wearing two stars, awarded for war–service. The Cuthbert Vauxes were there. They are now living in the house where Col: Darwin used to live.