The Henson Journals

Sat 23 August 1919

Volume 25, Page 137


Saturday, August 23rd, 1919.

After breakfast I motored to Stirling with William & bought 8 gallons more petrol at 3/– per gallon. If things go properly with the car, that ought to enable 120 miles. We mounted the Castle Hill, and I made W. go into the Castle, & see what he could. After lunch Lady Steele–Maitland [Steel–Maitland] and Ella motored to Alloa to see Jean Balfour. I walked on the high ground above the wood, and enjoyed the noblest views. When I returned to the house I was laid hold of by the children, & taken to see the pony & the goats. The ladies brought back Sir Arthur Steele–Maitland [Steel–Maitland], and an Eton master, named Blakiston. We had much talk after dinner. Mine host expresses himself very strongly against the opportunism of Lloyd George and Bonar Law. He thinks Milner the ablest of modern politicians, but for my part I have never understood the Milner–cult of the young Tories. I finished the extracts in the Times from Ludendorf's History of the War. On the whole, I get the impression that he is writing honestly. It is odd to note that the Germans appear to have felt towards the Entente precisely what we felt towards them. They were contending heroically against an overwhelming superiority of armaments & numbers! And the balance of atrocities lay always with the Entente!