The Henson Journals

Tue 22 July 1919

Volume 25, Page 71


Tuesday, July 22nd, 1919.


On returning from having tea with old Canon Palmer, I found the following telegram:–

"In view of importance of your letter on prohibition in the Times I would greatly appreciate Article of 1600 words from you announcing the question England free or England sober kindly say if you will be able to do this Article. Should like it this week copy reach us Friday morning. Fee fifty guineas."

Editor, Sunday Pictorial.

I was at first disposed to refuse, as there was something repugnant about the money, which, for ought I knew to the contrary, might come from sources not greatly concerned either with freedom or with sobriety.But then I reflected that this was hardly a reasonable attitude: that I could not honestly pretend to be rich enough to ignore remuneration for my work: & that money in my hands is but a transient possession. Besides, I want to beat this tyrannous sophistry out of men's minds, & the circulation of the Sunday Pictorial is large. So I wired back "I will send Article as proposed." Old Prebendary Palmer, aged 87, has a scruple about holding his prebend as he can no more preach his yearly sermon. I told him to pay a deputy, and hold on!