The Henson Journals

Sun 20 July 1919

Volume 25, Page 69


5th Sunday after Trinity, July 20th, 1919.

The rain seems to have fallen throughout the night, and it was still falling when I set out for the Confirmation at Kinlet. This will have damped the popular enthusiasm, & possibly extinguished the festal bonfires: but it will accord with the melancholy which reigns in every considering citizen's mind.

I started in the motor at 9 a.m., & proceeded by way of Leominster, Brimfield, & Cleobury Mortimer to Kinlet, which I reached about 10 minutes after 11 a.m. The Vicar, Prebendary Payton, was at the porch waiting with some anxiety for my appearance. I confirmed 21 candidates. There should have been 22, but one – a girl described as the best loved person in the parish – had died suddenly yesterday to the grief of everybody. I lunched very pleasantly with Colonel & Mrs Childe. The latter is a Swede. The parish church of S. John is most interesting. It has four remarkable monuments of the Cornewall & Blount families. Also a chantry of S. Catherine wonderfully preserved. After lunch I motored to Tenbury, arriving five minutes late. The rain ceased about 3 p.m. I consecrated an addition to the churchyard after preaching in the church. Preb. Ragg & his son declared themselves Socialists, rather to my surprise. The world changes. We had a pleasant run home, arriving about 7.10 p.m. The evening lights were beautiful.