The Henson Journals

Sat 12 July 1919

Volume 25, Page 59


Saturday, July 12th, 1919.

We could not obtain a taxi, so that I made a virtue of necessity, & abandoned the attempt to return to Hereford by the earlier train. I was introduced to Mr Wills, & his daughter, the fiancée of Mr Dean, who came to consider the choice of curtains for the decanal drawing room! I have travelled far from the ascetic ardours of my Oxford House days, when I can contemplate without disgust a middle aged Dignitary engaging himself to a millionaire's daughter, & debating the price of furniture!! But, as the Bishop of Bristol sagely remarked, this marriage will qualify the Dean for appointment to any bishoprick in the country!

I arrived in Hereford in time to lunch with the Lay Readers, who, to the number of 17, had assembled for their annual conference at the Palace. Mr Joseph Shaw K.C. called about 4 p.m., & had tea. He is very gloomy about the outlook, & expects a great labour conflict to break out almost immediately. After he had gone, Charles Scott came to say that he had decided to decline the precentorship of Edinburgh. He tells me that the Sacrament is being reserved in All Saints. How long will it be before the usual consequences follow? I finished the day by writing letters, and, making some preparations for the preaching tomorrow in Pembridge Ledbury.