The Henson Journals

Thu 10 July 1919

Volume 25, Page 57


Thursday, July 10th, 1919.


I walked to Westminster, reflecting on the course I shd take anent the "Relations with Nonconformists Report". I decided that, so far as I had opportunity, I wd oppose the appointment of any more Committees or Conferences, & wd advise the abandonment of any attempt to secure the adoption of a general policy, & the decision to leave the matter to the discretion of individual bishops. The Archbishop was clearly perplexed as to his course, & made an embarrassed statement. Probably he will nominate another Committee. After the Bishop of Winchester had spoken, I took up my parable, & spoke with brutal frankness. Probably I was more sincere than prudent. After the session had ended, I went to the House of Lords, & sat on the steps of the throne for an hour, watching the proceedings in Committee on the Enabling Bill. It was evident that the Archbishop had got a phalanx of about 100 peers, who were ready to see the thing through, & that the mass of their Lordships were taking no interest in the business. The Bill may go through the Upper House: will it go through the Lower? I dined with the Pembers at the Carlton Hotel. It was pleasant enough, but amazingly unreal! I turned in shortly after 10 p.m.