The Henson Journals

Fri 13 June 1919

Volume 25, Page 23


Friday, June 13th, 1919.

Dear Mr Treasure,

I am now in a position to tell you definitely that I will not accept you as a candidate for Ordination to the Priesthood: because I am satisfied that the Bishop of Liverpool is the only Bishop who can rightly be responsible for ordaining you. His Lordship does not appear to be willing to request me to act in his behalf. I shall be willing to sanction you officiating in Leominster for the present.

Believe me,

Yours v. faithfully,

H. H. Hereford

I motored to the Jarvis School at Staunton–on–Wye, and attended a meeting of the Managers. Sir Geoffrey Cornwall [Cornewall] presided, and Dr Maples, the new organizer of education for the county, attended. Ernest and his sister came to lunch. They are cheerful and evidently enjoying their new life. But the financial cloud darkens his horizon as it darkens mine. The dilapidations of a great house like Hartlebury involve a great expenditure. I wrote a number of letters, and ordered a supply of wine. How long my "reduced circumstances" will permit me to exercise my Christian liberty becomes a matter of some uncertainty!