The Henson Journals

Wed 28 May 1919

Volume 24, Page 220


Wednesday, May 28th, 1919.

I spent some time in preparing notes for an address to the Confirmation candidates at Knighton, taking for my text the words of Psalm. XXIV, "The earth is the Lord's, & the fulness thereof". After an early lunch I started in the motor for Knighton. All went well until we were within half a mile of the church, when one of the back tyres burst with a loud report. We put on the "stepney" wheel, & arrived in good time. There were 37 candidates. This parish is in Wales, & will be cut off from the diocese as soon as the Disestablishment Act comes into operation. This was my first and last episcopal visit to Knighton. On the return journey the "stepney" wheel went to pieces with a bang about Canon Pyron, 7 miles from Hereford. We sent in a message for another tyre, and after a delay of 1 1/2 hours, we were able to continue our journey, & got back to the Palace about 8.15 p.m. The two archdeacons came to discuss the question of appointing a new Diocesan Messenger.

Forsyth has a long & cogent letter in the "Times" on the Enabling Bill.He writes as a Nonconformist, &, from that point of view, makes out a strong case against the Bill. I really think there is a chance of defeating the Bill, but what then?