The Henson Journals

Tue 20 May 1919

Volume 24, Page 205


Tuesday, May 20th, 1919.


I walked to the dentist after breakfast, & then, after calling at the club, walked into the City, and changed a cheque. Then I walked back again to the dentist. After another visit to the club, I drove to 31 Sloane Gardens, and lunched with Sir John and Lady Struthers. Ella joined me there. Gosse and his wife (a substantial Dutch–woman, amicable and solid) were also there. We had much talk. Then I went for the 3rd time to the dentist, after which I returned to Elvaston Place in time to dress for dinner. We dined with the Steel–Maitlands. I took Mrs Portman to dinner. After the ladies had withdrawn, we had a vivacious conversation on politics, social & economic. I was impressed by the candid disapproval of Lloyd George & Bonar Law expressed by mine host, who is a minor member of the Ministry! I managed to get some talk with him about the Enabling Bill, which he has rashly promised to support: & I think I made him feel that he had been a little injudicious to say the least. But the Archbishop's personal influence has great, I think excessive, weight with all these politicians.