The Henson Journals

Tue 13 May 1919

Volume 24, Page 193


Tuesday, May 13th, 1919.

A glorious day. I sate in the garden, read the paper, & wrote letters. My post–bag contained 3 letters of interest. One, from R. J. Campbell urging me to persuade the Prime Minister to appoint Jimmie Adderley Dean of Hereford. It is, of course, not at all probable that I shall have any influence on the appointment, but, if I had, could I reasonably be expected to exert myself to bring into my diocese a man, whose opinions, both religious & economical, I wholly disprove? Another letter was from Willie Temple, who wrote to ask for assistance in writing Bishop Percival's "Life". The third letter was from Cremer, telling me that he has accepted the living in Pitchford. He is a garrulous jack–ass, who will be a perpetual nuisance, but I must pretend to be gratified at having him in my diocese!!

I wrote to Lord Haldane about the Enabling Bill, and sent him the Report of the Archbishops' Committee, and the constitution as adopted by the R.C.C. If he were to move for a Royal Commission, it might have the effect of directing public attention to the Scheme, & so far hinder the plan of shipping it through without question. But he is extremely unpopular with the general public, and he is not himself an Anglican. It might be asked, What concern has he with the organisation of the Church of England? Besides, he is a "Voluntarist" by tradition, and a Scotchman by birth.