The Henson Journals

Fri 9 May 1919

Volume 24, Page 186


Friday, May 9th, 1919.


A perfect summer's day. Ella went with me again to Mr Colyer, and there I "tried on" my new dental outfit – a painful performance as my jaw had not recovered from yesterday's violence. Then we returned to the Deanery, and I lay perdu again, reading the "Times" and writing letters.At 6.30 p.m. I went again to Mr Colyer, and came away with a whole catacomb of dead bones within my jaws!As I returned to the Deanery, when I was crossing the space in front of the Cathedral, I fell in with Archdeacon Holmes who forthwith began to speak with some vehemence against the Archbishops' "Five–million pounds Fund". He had just ordered the removal of the large poster which the zeal of a minor canon had reared in front of Queen Anne's statue. He says that "the City", which he professes to know well, will have nothing to do with it. He told me that the general feeling in the Lower House of Convocation with regard to my proposal for a Royal Commission was one of alarm. Might it not report in favour of Disestablishment? I think it very probably could do so, but then we should have a clear issue proposed to the country, on which and informed & deliberate decision could be invited. Now we shall drift into Disestablishment without realizing our course.