The Henson Journals

Thu 24 April 1919

Volume 24, Page 156


Thursday, April 24th, 1919.


I received a letter from my godson, Herbert Nicholson, who has now returned home, and will shortly resume his place in the ranks of civilians. I wrote to another godson, Gilbert Simpson, sending him £10 to purchase a wedding present. After breakfast I resumed work on the Memoir, and had made but little progress, when I was interrupted by Knight, who had spent the previous day with the Archdeacon in order to inspect Bridstow. He seemed much disposed to accept the living, but postponed his decision until the end of the month. He seemed to think that I ought to be present in the Convocation, but how to do so in view of the dentist's action is hard to see. After lunch I took Dicey and the Anson ladies to Ledbury, where we visited the parish church, and then had tea at the Hospital with the Bannisters. We returned to Hereford by way of Ross. The weather was clouded and chill. Dicey is so frail and so deaf that he becomes rather an anxious problem to his host. His interest in everything is curiously keen, and he wants to know far more than one can tell him. I am lost in astonishment at his mental alertness, at his amazing memory, and at his inexhaustible powers of conversation.