The Henson Journals

Sat 19 April 1919

Volume 24, Page 148


Easter Eve, April 19th, 1919.


The warm bright weather continues & the trees are just rushing into leaf. I spent the morning in writing sermons. Lady Butler brought Owen Wister to lunch. I found him an interesting talker. He is about to visit the wasted districts in France. As a Republican he has no fondness for President Wilson, & agrees that his speech at Buckingham Palace was unpardonable.

Temple has a short letter in the "Times" rather angrily expressed, but not contributing anything new to the discussion.

Dicey arrived on a visit. He is 83, and more talkative than ever, but a very delightful old man notwithstanding. Ernest returned from Windsor.

I made a desperate effort to clear up my room, and by a "massacre of the innocents" succeeded in getting rid of a monstrous collection of papers, &c, but I am a hopeless muddler, & haven't the faintest notion of keeping documents in an intelligible order.

The Bishop of Chester sends me his Farewell to his diocese.He states that his resignation will take effect on May 1st. On that day, the bishoprick of Chichester also becomes vacant. Oxford is to be vacated on July 1st. It must be unprecedented that 3 bishopricks should be vacated by resignation at the same time.