The Henson Journals

Mon 14 April 1919

Volume 24, Page 140


Monday, April 14th, 1919.


A cold gusty day, in which winter & spring seemed to contend on even terms. I spent the morning in revising the proof of "The Naked Truth", and writing to Parker–Smith about the Winchester memorial. After lunch I motored to Bromyard, and confirmed 65 candidates in the parish church. Of these the majority were males. During my absence the Dodgsons took their departure. On my return I had an interview with a queer man who works at the munition factory, & was formerly a schoolmaster. Then I wrote a letter to the "Times" on the "Life and Liberty" subject, taking occasion by a letter in Today's issue from the Bristol Congregationalist, MrAbel Thomas. There is another letter from Cohu, answering W. Temple, and, on the whole, answering effectively. After dinner I read "Barnaby Rudge" to my ladies.

MrsArcher Shepherd told me that it was not unusual in the country districts for the local publican to arrange a dance on the occasion of the Confirmation, & to advertise the price of admission, "Confirmed girls in their Confirmation dress admitted free". This seems a grossly incongruous dénouement to the ceremony in the Church. Probably it doesn't seem so grotesquely inappropriate to the class which uses public houses.