The Henson Journals

Wed 29 January 1919

Volume 24, Page 60


Wednesday, January 29th, 1919.

I read the "Times" – a very Baruch–roll of trouble – in bed before getting up: breakfasted very badly (still neither butter nor marmalade, though the slum–dwellers can get both!) in the Athenaeum: had my hair cut &c: and then walked to 11 Queen Anne's Street, off Cavendish Square, where I had a brief interval with Mr Colyer, the dentist. He gave an ill report but insisted on my being radiographed before he could decide on a policy for my teeth!! He named Mr C. A. Clarke, 42 Welbeck St : W. as competent for the business, & I arranged over the telephone to see him on Saturday at 10.30 a.m. Then I returned to the Club and lunched. This meal ended, I walked to Lambeth, & spent the time up to 6 p.m. in the Meeting of Bishops. The Archbishop of C. gave some account of his recent visit to France, with which he seemed well–pleased. He also announced that the next Lambeth Conference would probably be held in July, 1920. The Bishop of Lichfield having brought forward the subject of the "National Mission" Reports. I made a short speech on the same, more crudely phrased than I cd have wished. But, nevertheless, I said some true things. Pearce, as Bishop–elect of Worcester, was present. I dined at the Athenaeum, & afterwards had some talk with Lang.