The Henson Journals

Sun 19 January 1919

Volume 24, Page 52


2nd Sunday after Epiphany, January 19th, 1919.


I celebrated the Holy Communion in S. Nicholas Church. Then I attended Mattins in the Cathedral, & heard an extremely well–phrased discourse from Fawkes. His text was, "He shall drink of the brook by the way; therefore shall he lift up his head". After lunch Ernest and I walked together. Fawkes came in to tea. Moore of St Peter's came to see me. He is evidently perturbed about my disapproval of the "clock" recording subscriptions which has been placed outside S. Peter's tower. This "thin edge" of American advertising methods must not be allowed. He was evidently anxious that I should advise him to accept the offer of Stockport which the present Rector, Symonds, his father–in–law, who is also the patron, is resigning, and may perhaps offer to him. That living is worth £2000 yearly. But I contented myself with observing that the scandals of nepotism had been so persistent & considerable in the past that I could never sanction it in anyone. The Pauline maxim applies, "Take thought for things honourable in the sight of all men". I think no man ought ever to seek the advice of another in matters of this kind. "Each man shall bear his own burden" is as important to remember as, "Bear ye one another's burdens".