The Henson Journals

Sun 12 January 1919

Volume 24, Page 47


Sunday after Epiphany, January 12th, 1919.

I celebrated the Holy Communion at 8 a.m. in the Cathedral: & then remained in my study writing letters & preparing notes. After lunch Ella & I motored to Ludlow, where I gave an address at a "United Thanksgiving service" in the Town Hall. We had tea with the Rector, & then attended Evensong in the glorious parish church, when I preached. There was a considerable, but not a crowded, congregation. The service was sung by the "Preacher", the Rev. G. A. Hale, whose attitude was, perhaps, lacking in a due deference. He has recently returned from serving as a chaplain abroad, & may be somewhat lifted up! We motored home through a bright moon–light. On either side of the road for some miles before we reached Leominster, as we came from Hereford, the meadows were submerged, so that the country had the appearance of a large lake. The morning post brought a pencilled letter from Michell Peirce, the young Canadian, whom I picked up one morning in the Bailey at Durham, and gave lunch to. He has written to me now & again, generally omitting to give an address! Now he writes from the Canadian General Hospital in France. I wrote to him forthwith. Also, I wrote to my Brothers, Arthur and Gilbert, both of whom are "down in their luck", the first with a sick wife, the last with a lack of employment!