The Henson Journals

Tue 7 January 1919

Volume 24, Page 42


Tuesday, January 7th, 1919.


I revised & partly re–wrote a sermon for use in Shrewsbury on Thursday, and instituted two parsons – Astbury to Llanveyno, and Talbot to Neenton. The former came to lunch. In the afternoon, the Rev. W. H. F. Meredith, Vicar of Neen Savage, called to see me. He had some notion of celebrating the completion of 20 years of ministry in his parish by some kind of special service. Then came Nelson, the V. of Leominster, & wasted an hour & a half of my working time by futile maundering over his parish troubles. He seems to have given up his project of seeking another exchange. Then Wynne–Willson did the letters with me for an hour: & he was followed by Bowen & Chubb, the sectaries, who came to arrange the "League of Nations" Committee. This is a grievous wastage of time, but seems too normal in episcopal experience.

Roosevelt's death is reported. It was sudden and peaceful, as he was sleeping. He had grown into a very ardent friend of Great Britain, and was in the midst of a vehement attack on President Wilson when death overtook him. He had done much, and was only in his 61st year.