The Henson Journals

Fri 3 January 1919

Volume 24, Page 37


Friday, January 3rd, 1919.

I did nothing but write letters, among which one to the Bishop of Norwich, of which Ella made a copy, as I thought it might prove to be important. It occurs to me to note here the Christmas Boxes which I have given:–

3 vergers, each 10/–
Bellringers 10/6
Choirboys 21/–

Bulmer came to see me about forming an association to "stir up" Hereford on the subject of social reform. I said I would join in heartily if the said association were on a really broad basis. The man seems to me rather suspiciously oleaginous, but mainly I think what he says is sound. Certainly the present Chairman of the C. [County] Council (Corner) does not inspire confidence.