The Henson Journals

Mon 2 September 1918

Volume 23, Page 155


Monday, September 2nd, 1918.

1491st day

I instituted the Rev. A. L. Osman to the tiny parish adjoining Letton: the Rev. T. Clark–Smith to Pipe & Lyde: & the Rev. C. A. Markham Evans to Winforton. In the afternoon two ladies, Mrs Capper & Mrs Dunmassey Thomas, came to lay before me their complaint against their parson, W. [G. H.] Davis, Vicar of St Weonard's for pacifism! He is alleged to have a quite impossible wife, who circulates treasonable literature in the cottages. The fact is that the man is a tactless jackass, pressed by poverty, and full–filled with the nonsense of Christian Socialism. He was once a curate of Jimmie Adderley's. Later there arrived Archdeacon & Mrs Spooner: and later still, Caröe.