The Henson Journals

Thu 20 June 1918

Volume 23, Page 63


Thursday, June 20th, 1918.

1417th day

Macaulay's description of Sydney Smith (v. Trevelyan's Life: vol.1 p.147–8) rings true:–

"His misfortune is to have chosen a profession at once above him & below him. Zeal wd have made him a prodigy: formality and bigotry wd have made him a bishop: but he cd neither rise to the duties of his order, not stoop to its degradations".

Macmillan's send me a bundle of press–cuttings containing notices of my vol of sermons. The "Church Times" is comparatively polite. The "Methodist Times" sniffs at the style & the method. The "Yorkshire Post" is coldly favourable. The "Record" as friendly as it dares to be. The "Church Family Newspaper" is detached but cordial. None of the notices have any real importance.

I motored to Ross, & confirmed seven wounded soldiers in the parish church. Also I gave away the prizes in the "Walter Scott" School: and had tea with the Money–Kyrles.