The Henson Journals

Sat 15 June 1918

Volume 23, Page 58


Saturday, June 15th, 1918.

1412th day

I wrote [to] the Ecclesiastical Secretary of the Lord Chancellor setting forth the reasons why I desire to exchange the patronage of Kimbolton for that of Leominster. It hardly seems to me probable that will seem convincing from the Lord Chancellor's point of view.

I attended a meeting of the Higher Education Committee of the Hertfordshire County Council at 1 p.m. It sate on until 2.15 p.m. There was a question of appointing a Governor of the High School in place of the late Bishop, & Sir John Cotterill proposed Sir Geoffrey Cornwall. Somebody however, proposed me & this seemed generally agreeable so that Sir John withdrew his motion. Afterwards he make a kind of explanation or apology to me, which was quite superfluous. Bannister walked with me by the river–bank & afterwards had tea.

The Church Family Newspaper has a friendly notice of my volume of sermons: the Westminster Gazette had a short and unfriendly note. Save for these petty exceptions, the poor thing seems to have been still–born! After dinner I wrote to Ella, and to Carissima: & wound up a week which has been fussily busy and substantially barren.