The Henson Journals

Wed 12 June 1918

Volume 23, Page 57


Wednesday, June 12th, 1918.

1409th day

Fallacy has had kittens, three of them, two black and one piebald. I finished reading in bed that strange & seductive book "Marius the Epicurean". It is odd that I never read it before, for I well remember its first appearance, & once I dined with Walter Pater. Arthur Chandler took me to him when I was at the Oxford House. I worked at the Oxford sermon in the morning, arranged books in the afternoon, called on the Dean, and wrote a number of letters. The War has a very depressing aspect just now. In spite of prodigies of valour the French cannot hold back the hordes of Germans from forcing their way forward towards Paris. Their losses are said to be immense, but they steadily advance.