The Henson Journals

Mon 3 June 1918

Volume 23, Page 49


Monday, June 3rd, 1918.

1400th day

After breakfasting with Radcliffe in the Club, and writing some letters, I walked to Westminster, & called on Gamble. Then I picked up Ernest Rudling at the North Porch of the Abbey, & walked with him for nearly an hour. He is now a lieutenant in the R.F.C., and has a wound stripe on his arm. He has grown taller & stouter, but remains recognizable. Then I paid my hotel bill, & came away to Paddington where I lunched. At the table sate a youngish man with the suns of India on his cheek, who addressed me by name, & said that he had met me many years ago. His name was Curtis, & he has a cottage in my diocese, near Ledbury. I travelled to Hereford by the 1.30 p.m. As far as Malvern I had the company of a lady, who said that she had met me at dinner some years ago. I remembered the occasion but not her. The Archdeacon of Hereford met me at the station with the unexpected announcement that the "Pilgrims" expected me to "dismiss" them at 8 p.m. The function was wrongly noted in my book for tomorrow. However I hastily prepared some notes, & gave a brief "charge" to the 14 "pilgrims" who presented themselves in the Lady Chapel. I laid my hand on every head, & said: "I authorize you to minister as a Pilgrim in my diocese during the month of June, & may God bless your ministry to the People". Then I went home & dined. Afterwards I wrote to Ella, & went through my letters.