The Henson Journals

Fri 3 May 1918

Volume 23, Page 14


Friday, May 3rd, 1918.

1369th day


I packed my bags, breakfasted at the Athenaeum, walked to Westminster & there had some talk with Gow, paid my reckoning at Garland's hotel, drove to Paddingon, where the Bishop of Bristol joined me at lunch, & travelled to Hereford in a train overflowing with schoolboys on their way to school. At Malvern, Mr J. W. Wilson M.P. introduced himself to me. He used to attend St Margaret's, & now lives at Colwall.

[symbol] This session of Convocation has been rather memorable, both for the importance of the subjects discussed, and for the manner of the discussion. There appears to be a divergence between Gore & Talbot, but how far it is merely tactical is not clear. Ingram is under a cloud, his brethren resenting the difficulties in which he immerses them by his gay indifference to law & common sense. Watts–Ditchfield is endured as an unavoidable nuisance. Pollock speaks with weight, &, as he carefully avoids taking any contested positions, with acceptance. Ridgeway of Salisbury dittoes Ingram. Burrows, Chase, Gibson, & Harmer form a phalanx of academic High Churchmen, who dance generally to Talbot's tune, though with occasional flutters of independence. The Welsh bishops are rather apart from the rest. Nixon [Nickson], Burge, Cecil, and I go together on most questions. Woods of Peterborough is exhibiting the familiar phenomenon of an Evangelical in the process of being assimilated by the Sacerdotalists. Hicks of Lincoln is an independent High Churchman. The general aspect of the assembly is not very impressive either morally or mentally.


Statement of Income for the year ending April 5th 1918, for Super–tax.

As Dean of Durham up to Feb. 2nd 1918. £2678.4.7
As Bishop of Hereford from Nov. 1st 1917. 1876.5.
Literary earnings, average of last 3 years 25.6.8
Dividends on War Loan 39.7.6
Wife's Income. 129.17.6
–––– £4749.1.3


Fee on entering See. £296.11.4
Assistant Bishops. 41.16.2
Motor Car. 22.17.6
Chaplain. 60.0.0 421.5.
Total liable to Tax. £4327.16.3