The Henson Journals

Sun 17 March 1918

Volume 22, Page 199


Passion Sunday, March 17th, 1918.

1322nd day

A perfect day, bright, mild & yet fresh, with a soft blue haze, infinitely beautiful. After breakfast, Lord Powis walked with me in the Park. On every hand the prospect is delightful. He told me that Clive's letters made it clear that Macaulay's account of his boyhood needs important correction. We all walked to the parish church – an interesting building – & there I confirmed 19 persons. A wing of Walcot is given up to wounded soldiers. I called on them, & chatted for a few minutes. After lunch I was motored to Montgomery, where I confirmed 66 persons in the fine parish church of St Nicholas. Later, I preached at Evensong to a considerable congregation. I stayed the night at the Rectory as the guest of the Rector, the Revd T. S. Dunn. The Rural Dean, Revd P. A. Lushington, Vicar of Church Stoke, and his wife came to supper.