The Henson Journals

Tue 5 March 1918

Volume 22, Page 184


Tuesday, March 5th, 1918.

1309th day

Ella & Miss Cooper returned to Durham. I wrote a long letter to the Bishop of S. with reference to the Deanery. Wynne–Wilson came to talk over the Rescue & Purity work in the diocese, & stayed to lunch. I called on Mr James, and asked him to accept office as diocesan registrar & legal secretary to the Bishop. He consented, & I undertook first to inform Beddoe, & then to make him the formal offer. This undertaking I carried out as follows.


To C. B. Beddoe Esq.

March 5th 1918

Dear Mr Beddoe,

I think you ought to know that it is my intention to fill up the vacant office of diocesan registrar, & that I shall not ask you to accept it. As it is in my judgment desirable that the diocesan registrar shd be also the bishop's legal secretary, I shall not invite you to take again that position.

It will be convenient if you will continue to act as "acting registrar" until the new registrar is appointed, when you will hand over to him the diocesan documents now in your custody.

With thanks for your services to the diocese,

I am, very faithfully yours,

H. H. Hereford