The Henson Journals
Sat 23 February 1918
Volume 22, Page 171
Saturday, February 23rd, 1908 [^1918^].
1300th day
Kenneth Kay and Leslie Green, two of the senior choristers, spent the morning in my study, packing up sermons & letters, & being extremely useful. I put together a bundle of documents for my successor. It seems certain now that I shall have no opportunity of discussing business with him face to face. The old Bible from Barking, displaced when the R.V. was introduced, I sent across to the Bishop of Jarrow, asking him to dispose of it to some poor parish in the Durham diocese. The "Ancient & Modern" hymn–books which were in the Rectory Chapel in Dean's Yard I sent across to Hughes, for use in the Cathedral. I took the inventory of my wine, & found that there still lingered in the cellar about 300 bottles, mainly claret. We have distributed our surplus of tea to the vergers, almsmen, hospital, and neighbours. There remains the coal: which presumably my successor will purchase. Hadow came to lunch. He had been addressing the diocesan conference in the Chapter House. Ella & I called on Bayley who is down with influenza, but better. Then more packing, & a comfortless conclusion.