The Henson Journals

Sun 20 January 1918

Volume 22, Page 138


2nd Sunday after Epiphany, January 20th, 1918.

1266th day

I went to S. Martin's, & received the Holy Communion at 8 a.m. Dick Shepperd recognized me, & came across the church to ask me to breakfast: but I declined, & went to the Athenaeum, where I breakfasted. There I found Jevons, & had some talk with him. After writing to Marion, I walked to S. John's, Westminster, & heard an excellent sermon from Ralph. In the pew behind me were Lord & Lady Bryce: & two pews in front were the Murray Smiths. The congregation was smaller than I expected, for the galleries were almost empty, & the body of the Church was not more than two thirds full. Geoffrey Dawson was there, & Kitty. I went for a short stroll with Ralph after service. He told me that he had sent his Consecration Sermon to the Archbishop with a letter in which he urged him not to stultify his whole life by throwing me over. The Abp. had replied in a friendly spirit, saying that he thought the opposition had exhausted itself. I lunched with Pearce, & afterwards attended service in the Abbey, & heard him preach. He made a kindly allusion to my consecration. Then I went to the Athenaeum, & had a long talk with Barnes, the Master of the Temple. As I sate at dinner in the Club, I was joined by Sir Henry Craik, with whom I had much interesting talk. He seems to have made up his mind to resign the Churchwardenship of S. Margaret's. After reading for nearly an hour, I walked back to Morley's Hotel, & went to bed. Thus ended a very idle Sunday, but in my present circumstances it is hardly judicious for me to preach, or make any public appearances.