The Henson Journals

Thu 13 December 1917

Volume 22, Page 82


Thursday, December 13th, 1917.

1228th day

My cold is worse than ever. Beyond going to Evensong, I kept the house. The newspapers contain the formal announcement of my appointment as Bishop of Hereford. Letters, telegrams, and notes came in at intervals during the day. If I may believe my colleagues, they will regret my departure. The Precentor & Dennett sent me letters expressed with affectionate ardour, and the latter assures me that "the boys are all very grieved at my approaching departure". Knowling writes pleasantly:

“We all have to thank you, & especially your colleagues have to thank you, for five years of generous rule and friendship".

Bayley writes:

I shd like to express my thanks to you for all your help & kindness – you can hardly realize what an assistance it is to a Chapter official to have a Dean who is a real head of community, to whom one can always turn for direction & advice.

Greenwell (aetatis suae [the age of] 98) writes thus:–

Dear Mr Dean, Pray allow me to express my best wishes on your appointment to the bishoprick of Hereford. Your leaving the Cathedral will be a great loss to myself & many others. It is something however to know that in a larger sphere of influence you will be able to carry on more efficiently the good work with which you have been so long associated.

Yours very faithfully, W. Greenwell


My physical distress grew upon me as the day wore on. I went to Evensong, & enjoyed the anthem (Spohr) beautifully sung by Kaye. Ella went out to an entertainment at S. Hild's, & I languished miserably by my study fire.