The Henson Journals

Fri 7 December 1917

Volume 22, Page 68


Friday, December 7th, 1917.

1222nd day

Among my letters is one from the Editor of the Y. P., where curiosity appears to not have been satisfied by my telegram of yesterday! He encloses a cutting from the "Westminster Gazette" (which surely ought to be well–informed!) stating that "the appointment of Dean Hensley Henson, of Durham, as Bishop of Hereford" was causing "some heart–burning in Wales", where, apparently, "two Welsh ecclesiastics were favourites for the appointment, & there were widespread hopes among ardent Welsh nationalists that another see wd be added to those filled by Welshmen"!! So the plot thickens and I am more mystified and humiliated than ever. Next came a telegram from Angel Colenso addressed to the "Bishop–designate of Hereford", and conveying "affectionate congratulations": and then the News Editor of the Evening Standard more cautiously asking me to "confirm or deny" the report of my appointment!!! I shall soon be ashamed to show my face in the streets. The afternoon post brought an ecstatically worded letter of congratulations from Linetta, to whom Dr Beauchamp (who ought to have known better) had telephoned that precious paragraph in the "Westminster"! I went out to Sherburn hospital, & attended a meeting of the House Committee. Cruickshank picked me up there, & we walked back over the fields. Then Gee arrived, obviously sniffing for information, but I would not speak on the subject, and he soon went off! All this nonsensical confusion seems almost criminal at a time when the fate of civilization is in jeopardy, and the flower of England is withering daily on the battle–fields of Europe.