The Henson Journals

Mon 3 December 1917

Volume 22, Page 64


Monday, December 3rd, 1917.

1218th day

A bright but bitterly cold morning. I bade an affectionate farewell to Ruth & the Archdeacon (Mrs Spooner does not appear at breakfast), and went off to the station. On the platform were the Archbishop & a party. Beyond exchanging greetings, I had no talk with him. On arriving in London, I went directly to the Athenaeum, where I lunched. A telegram from the Bishop of Manchester arrived while I was in the dining room talking to Athelstan Riley. Then I went to Euston, & travelled to Manchester. On the way I had much talk with two officers on religious matters. One of them guessed my name from the initials on my bag! I drove out to Bishopscourt, and arrived about 7.30 p.m. The Bishop of Manchester & Mrs Knox had gone to an S.P.G. meeting.

Riley told me that when he rose to make his speech in the R.C.C, he said to Gore, beside whom he was sitting, "I mean to chaff the bishops". When he returned to his seat, he said, "I hope you don't think I was too hard on you". To which the Bishop of Oxford replied with severity, "I detest injustice"!!

Two young ladies in khaki are here on a recruiting mission. One of them is the daughter of Canon Harford of Mossley Hill. I found her a frank and pleasant girl, keen on her work and distinctly humourous. There is also an Archdeacon, from Hampstead, I think, who has been speaking at the S.P.G. meeting. Quite pleasant but wholly conventional.