The Henson Journals

Thu 11 October 1917

Volume 21, Page 195


Thursday, October 11th, 1917.

1165th day

Ella and I received the Holy Communion in S. Gregory's Chapel. I attended Mattins, and then worked at the Trafalgar Day sermon. I wrote to Rashdall inviting co–operation at the Representative C. Council. After lunch I spent an hour in showing a party of wounded soldiers over the Cathedral. Then I attended Evensong. I wrote to the Bishop of Manchester offering to contribute £5. towards the cost of sending copies of his "Address" to the lay–members of the R.C.C., & suggesting that some of us Northerners might send a signed letter to the "Times" protesting against the meeting in November. Also to Welldon on the same subject & to the Bishop of S. David's. Cruickshank came to see me; he is rather vexed at the refusal of the Mayor & Corporation to undertake his housing project. We dined with the Pooles to meet Mackenzie, the late Headmaster of Uppingham, who was formerly Headmaster of Durham. We went with Poole to the House prayers, and I gave the benediction. The boys look pleased & happy: but I could wish the Examiners' Reports were more satisfying.