The Henson Journals

Tue 25 September 1917

Volume 21, Page 186


Tuesday, September 25th, 1917.

1149th day

Zeppelin & aeroplane raids reported last night from the N.E. coast and London. I wrote to Hugh Lyon before breakfast. He aspires to be among the Immortals, & has a volume of poems in the press. Ella helped me to clear up my study in preparation of Ker's arrival in the evening. Clara and Penelope took their departure after breakfast. I attended Mattins & Evensong: wrote to Gilbert, and also to the "Times" on the subject of "Mattins on Sunday". I was moved to write by what seemed to be an insolent letter by the Ritualist, Williams. I walked with Elizabeth & wrote to Olaf. Joyce Ilbert arrived in the afternoon. Kerr arrived after dinner.