The Henson Journals

Sun 23 September 1917

Volume 21, Page 184


16th Sunday after Trinity, September 23rd, 1917.

1147th day

O Lord of Truth & Mercy, shine upon my darkness and forgive my sin. Thou knowest my path through this gloom, lead my steps therein and grant me some knowledge of my way. Lift from my heart this burden of perplexity and regret. Let the comfort of Thy Presence be with me, and bring me at last unto Thy haven of rest. Show Thou me the way that I should walk in for I lift up my soul unto Thee. Amen.

The car from Spennymoor arrived about 9.15a.m. After some mistakes the chauffeur succeeded in finding S. Andrew's, a poor looking church submerged by every variety of evil–looking & evil–smelling machinery! I went to the Vicarage and was welcomed by Mr Wykes, the Vicar, a man of about 62 years of age, heavy to look at but improving on acquaintance. There was a fine congregation at Mattins, largely composed of processions of men & boys. I preached from S.Matt.vii.12. In the afternoon about 200 men came to a men's service. I addressed them on the present position of the War. At Evensong the church was crowded. I preached from S.Matthew XXIV.40. I was surpised by the appearance of Edgar Dobbie, whose parents (small shopkeepers) live almost next to the Vicarage. He carried a banner at Evensong & is evidently a person of consequence in the parish. I had a little speech with his parents. On the whole I was pleased with this church. There was good order in the vestry: reverence in the reading desk: heartiness in the congregation: & a diffused sense of friendliness & zeal. Mr Wykes told me that Bertram Mercer had been his curate, & spoke highly of him. I inquired whether the "National Mission" had been successful in Spennymoor. The vicar reflected, & then replied with deliberate emphasis that he thought it had had no effect whatever, & was indeed a complete failure. This, I am persuaded, is the general impression. The car arrived after Evensong at the church door, and carried me back to Durham where I arrived in time for dinner.