The Henson Journals

Mon 17 September 1917

Volume 21, Page 179


Monday, September 17th, 1917.

1141st day

Korniloff has surrendered to General Alexieff. Korensky is supreme. The Duma is to be dissolved: & Russia is to become a Republic. Meanwhile the fight is to continue.

I attended Mattins, & wrote letters, also worked at the York sermon. After Evensong Elizabeth walked with me through Houghall Wood. I received a letter from Harry Dibben, enclosing a double photograph of himself & his brother Sydney. They go to France in a few days. He also reports the deaths of two more of the "old boys".

I have now heard of the following as killed in action:–

  1. Reggie Still. 2. Cyril Hayward. 3.Bertram Sims. 4. Leslie Hider. 5. Henry. 6. Chandler.

This is a heavy list out of so limited a number.