The Henson Journals

Tue 28 August 1917

Volume 21, Page 162


Tuesday, August 28th, 1917.

1121st day

Much rain during the night. The morning again woefully hot and humid. Sierra Leone domesticating itself in Northern England! "The loins of the mind" by consequence quite ungirt & nerveless! Ella went off to Fairlie after breakfast. I attended Mattins. No congregation. Then Lady Craik went away in a pouring rain: & at last I was free to betake myself to work on the "Memoir". I wrote to Stuckey Coles, and to Sir Robert Morant asking for biographical material. Ellershaw came in to show me the papers about Mr Wrenn, the young man whom he desires to have appointed as a Teacher of English Literature in the University. I wrote to Armstrong of Queen's for information about him, especially as to the measure of practical incapacity which his defective eyesight might involve. I attended Evensong, & then, clothed in a mackintosh & armed with an umbrella, I walked with Logic in the rain for an hour. On my return I wrote to George from whom I had received the following list of addresses:

1. [symbol] Write on 29th August To SS. Titan, at Colombo c/o Dalmege Forsythe & Co.
2. [symbol] 5th Sept. Penang “ Mansfield & Co.
3. [symbol] 12th Singapore
4. [symbol] 17th Hongkong Butterfield & Surre via Siberia
5,6. [symbol][symbol] 24th & 30th Shanghai “via Siberia or U.S.A
7. [symbol] 6th Oct Kobe
8. [symbol] 13th Yokohama
9. [symbol] 20th Kobe
10. [symbol] 27 Shanghai
11. [symbol] 3. Nov Singapore Mansfield & Co.
12, 13. [symbol][symbol] 10th & 17th Nov Durban Cotto & Co.
24th & 30th Nov Capetown

George writes from Lamlash where his ship "with about 30 other boats" is "waiting for a convoy".