The Henson Journals

Thu 23 August 1917

Volume 21, Page 156


Thursday, August 23rd, 1917.

1116th day

I wrote to Miss Anson suggesting that an effort should be made to get the Warden's letters to Raper: and to Prof. Geldart, asking for an estimate of the quality of his work as a law–teacher, & writer of law–books. Also I wrote to Sir Courtenay Ilbert asking for his reminiscences of the Warden, who was his pupil.

I attended Mattins and Evensong: & worked at the Memoir all the morning. After Evensong I walked to Dryburn, & had tea with Mrs Darwin & Gilbert. Ella joined us after a while. The weather, which had been blustering and at intervals wet, became fine towards the evening.

The Master of Balliol responded very generously to my appeal for help: if his deeds are as good as his words, I ought to get some material for the Memoir from him. After dinner I wrote to him, to Beeching, and to Marion.