The Henson Journals
Mon 30 July 1917
Volume 21, Page 125
Monday, July 30th, 1917.
1092nd day
"Ideals must speedily wither if they are consciously realized to be but the cloudland of fancy; to a true idealism they are an intense vision of the foundations on which the universe is built."
This is a suggestive definition indeed. Pringle Pattison draws an inference later:–
"Hence the ideal is precisely the most real thing in the world: and those ranges of our experience, such as religion, which are specifically concerned with the ideal, instead of being treated as a cloud–cuckoo–land of subjective fancy, may reasonably be accepted as the best interpreters we have of the true nature of reality" (p. 251–2).
I read the Gifford Lectures for an hour before breakfast. Just before Mattins, a knock at my door revealed Edgar Dobbie who came to thank me for my kindness to him. Probably his parents had enjoined this upon him as a duty. I attended Mattins: & then spent the morning in making selections from the Warden's Journal. I attended Evensong, took Logic for a walk, & resumed work on the Journal until dinner. Then I wrote to Ella, Gilbert, and Linetta.